Assalamualaikum yo great people.
Its been months naaa since i posted something. no ideas.. writer's block bak kata omputih.. hahaha poyos.
A few days ago I had a conversation with my dear friends on our job, that is Pekerja/Pegawai Sambilan Harian, and that conversation inspired me to write this post so people would understand perit jerih menjadi seorg Pegawai Sambilan Harian. Let me firstly introduce what Pekerja Sambilan Harian is. I have been working as a PSH for 6 months now so I think I have the general, if not depth knowledge about what PSH is all about and telling u guys about it.
Pekerja/Pegawai Sambilan Harian, or better known as PSH, is a post, in the government sector where people are hired to accommodate the lack of staffs/abled individuals in the government bodies. Ministries in Malaysia usually would hire people who are desperate for jobs (i.e. me and my friends) to work for the government on a part time basis. Basically, PSH are part timers for the government. We are given part timers' salary, a daily one. Nama pun sambilan HARIAN so the salary would be counted daily. Tapi x bermaksud setiap hari dapat duit, so jangan memandai g mintak budak PSH open table everyday. Kitorg pun dpt gaji sebulan sekali though a little, eh salah, quite later that the permanent government servants.
Seperti kakitangan kerajaan, PSH pun ada level. Ade 3 level PSH, dibezakan melalui gaji yang dapat. Untuk level lepasan SPM (N17), gaji adalah RM54 sehari. Untuk lepasan STPM/Diploma (N32), gaji RM72 sehari, dan untuk lepasan Ijazah dan keatas (N41), gaji RM100 sehari. Nampak banyak tp sikit je sebenarnye sbb kene tolak EPF. Yes, kami pun ade EPF bukan kerja melembu je. ^.^
Tp EPF jelah benefit die. TIADA benefit lain. So, minta jangan dicongak gaji kami dengan menambahkan elaun2 kerajaan. We are not entitled to any allowances, bonuses, claims (except if we have to travel for official purposes) and other benefits. Lepas tu, seperti staff lain, perbezaan level juga membezakan workload kami. Yang 17 akan buat kerja kerani, yang 32 selalunya EO, yang 41 selalunya exec/officer. Kalau kat government sector kira 41 ni satu level ngan pegawai tadbir lah or PSU.
Sebagai PSH, kami mengharapkan staff tetap ni membantu kami sbb, kami pun cari rezeki, tapi, penerimaan staff ni bergantung pada tempat bekerja juga. Ade yang okay ade yang tak. Setakat ni saya dah kerja di dua kementerian yang berbeza, and penerimaan staff lain terhadap PSH berbeza langit ngan bumi. Kat tempat lama saya (wont say any names), penerimaan nye... Nauzubillah. sampai membuatkan saya memandang org kerajaan dengan pandangan yang sama; sangat kejam, sangat talam dua muka, sanggup menjatuhkan sesiapa demi kepentingan diri, dll. PSH dipulaukan, were called names, kutuk depan2, blakang jgn ceritalah kan. Berbeza ngn ministry sekarang ni, penerimaan setakat ni alhamdulillah, pegawai, staff, bosses sume okay. They treat us the same, with respect that we deserved. So, bergantung pada penerimaan staff lain, itu yang akan membuatkan waktu kerja kamu mcm taik ataupun bau bunga.
PSH juga tidak diberikan slip gaji so it is hard for us to own assets. Kita x mampu nak beli aset secara cash, thats y kita kerja PSH in the first place kan, so the only option for us to own something is through loaning. Tapi, slip gaji x dak, nampak tak permainan die kat situ.. Another thing is that working as a PSH, there are risks to get fired anytime. Bila-bila boleh kene buang, bila-bila boleh benti, sukati diorg. So, x de security. PSH selalunya akan still keep on searching for other jobs while working. Sebab, PSH kontraknye 3 bulan je, and paaaaaling lama pun 6 bulan. So, mmg kene sentiasa cari kerja. The only kelebihan working as a PSH is the working hours. Sama macam staff lain. Normal working hours. And a lenient one at that. Semua org tahu mcm mana lenientnye working hours org kerajaan kan, so samalah kami PSH cuma kami x leh over laa maklumlaa PSH kan..
Rasanye tu je kot. So, lepas ni kalau ade antara kawan korg yang keje PSH, jangan lah dipandang rendah, and jangan ckp kami ni hebat pulak. Sebab sama je bukan hebat sgt pun. And jgn expect duit kami banyak sbb kami org gomen. Kami pun cukup2 makan saja. hihi. Okay bai thanks for reading.
See You Later...!!
Insya Allah. Okay skang nak g buat cerpen nak masuk pertandingan mastika mcm tikah cakap. haha
Monday, October 21, 2013
PSH??!! Apettew??!!
Posted by Unknown at 4:11 PM
Monday, March 11, 2013
50 things you might hate about me. TAG YOU!!
Assalamualaikum! Salam 1 Malaysia!!
Well hello there fellow mortals! Doing good today? I hope so because lucky you, I am sooooo sleepy right now that if I am not kissing my boss' assess trying to continue my contract I would be snoring right now (yes, I do snore, apparently, according to my adik).
Since this is the only SNS (that's social networking sites) that is not blocked by my employer, I decided to write something today, or else I will turn into a crazy young-hot women (ignore please).
Last night, I was youtube-ing, watching stupid random videos that does not in any way contributed to the development of my brain (which have not been developed for a while now, i just realized) and I came across this stupid 50 facts about me video tag. and I am stupid so I decided to join in the "craze" bak kata org muda skang. and since I am too shy and too self-conscious to show my ugly face on youtube, I will write instead. (btw, I am currently acting, u know with files all over my desk konon2 buat kerja so that org yg lalu lalang depan bilik I ni akan fikir "Wow, betapa rajinnye budak baru yg agak comel dipandang nih").
This will be a long post, since it is 50 facts, but I might finish it or might not, we'll see. and it will be all about me!!! ALL ABOUT ME!! SO, if you hate me, you can see that X on the right of the this tab, right? click on that and you will forever be free from the hatred. tak start lagi tp dah 4 paragraphs. Sooo let us all hate me.
- I really hate politics that i decided that it will be my top 3 facts.
- I snore when I am tired or sick.
- I don't like to watch thrillers or any scary movies. Especially cite hantu melayu/thailand. but I am trying to watch some now because someone asks me to.
- When I watch something, be it a movie, series, dramas, or what have you, I will google it, then I'll google the entire casts. Like a stalker, no?
- I have huge crush on Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Remy Ishak and Jack Douglas of jacksfilms.
- I like laying down. Baring is the best medication for me. Stress, baring. Lapar, baring, Ngantuk, baring, marah, baring. I will be a happy happy girl if i could lay down the whole day.
- I read. I do read. I know I don't looked like one who reads, whats with the stupid face, but I seriously do read. At night. Sebelum tido Untuk grammar.
- I hate hate hate kaki bodek. So right now I am going against my life principal to never kiss anyone's ass.
- I hate lame jokes.
- I hate people who think that they are funny and make stupid jokes all the time and I hate the fact that I have to laugh to the stupid jokes or I might seen as the evil one.
- I wear my wrist watch on my right wrist.
- I am right-handed.
- I can't roll my tongue, my abah can, both my adik can, my mak can't. oooooo
- I have one mixed-angora rabbit, one pure angora rabbit. = I have two rabbits.
- I can't wake up easily in the morning. I hate mornings.
- My life missions is to buy my parents a house. a cute house for them. and to get married and to be a housewife. a full time housewife.
- When I get scared at night, I will cover my self with blanket, hoping no bullets or bombs or people can get to me.
- I have a very very bad handwriting. x seghupo perempuan.
- I don't like to exercise. I only swim and do a 5-min yoga. (which I don't think can be called yoga, just me stretching around like cats)
- I can't lie to my family. I really can't. I will burst out laughing.
- When I eat out, I don't like to use my hand. because then my hand will be smelly all day and I don't like that.
- I like being spoiled by.
- Ngada2.
- I like to use this one plate when eating at home. Its my plate. and my family can't use that plate. or I will get mad. (refer to fact no 25)
- I forget easily.
- Slalu lupa jalan even banyak kali lalu.
- I shower really really fast. 5 min je.
- I don't like to be alone.
- I get bored easily.
- I like shoes.
- I have low self-esteem
- I can cook.
- I can bake.
- I can sew.
- I can crochet.
- I can knit.
- I am not an expert for fact no 34-38.
- I want to go to Egypt and Istanbul.
- I want to go to Bora Bora
- I can swim.
- I love sharks.
- I love whales. I think they are a majestic creature. I love them so much that if I read any news about them stranded and die I will cry.
- I want to swim with whales (except for orca) and definitely don't want to swim with sharks.
- My English is terrible.
- My formal Malay is terrible-er.
- I don't like gold accessories.
- I like big manly cars. Land Rover, Jeep, Hummer, what have you.
- Lastly, I am a very very very lazy girl.
Posted by Unknown at 11:13 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2013
roly poli poli poli poli politics.
hey ho hello fellow mortals.
i am gonna write about the thing i hated the most in the world; POLITICS!!
with the upcoming Pilihan Raya Umum 13 (PRU13), i've been observing (yes i am observant, despite the i-don't-give-a-fish face) that so many people, had become political analysts. many predictions has been made; the government will change, this party will win, that party will win this area, bla bla bla. sejak bila ntah ramai org malaysia ni jadi pak nujum, I pon x tau. haha
i don't have any problems whatsoever with people voicing out their opinions. but there are these very very VERY radical supporters, no no not radical per say, but very...what's the word ekh? haaaaa enthusiastic, in the most polite way, enthusiastic supporters.
my father is a government servant. i live in putrajaya, the central administration of Malaysia. i live in a government quarters building. i know a lot of my neighbors who are working for the government but still saying this and that about the government. i'm not saying that every government servant should support the government, we are all hypocrites at the end of the day, but, know your place.
we always hear statements like "people will hear your voice", "your opinions do matter", and "speak out". well, know this; all that are BULLS. no one will hear you. your opinions don't matter. your voice certainly is not loud enough. they will still do what they want. unless you are a significant someone, please just please keep your opinions by yourself. I AM NOT INTERESTED in whatever you are saying about politics. i don't like politics, and i don't think i ever will.
you might think "well syira if you don't like politics so much then why would you blog about it?"
here's why,
in my building, there are all these pakcik who for some reasons always lepak and berborak and never went home and they always talk about politics. i usually don't give a rats ass about what they are talking about, but sometimes it goes beyond limit. and i always like, okay pakcik then why don't you be in the parliament and we'll see how good you are then. according to what you are talking about, it seems that you are qualified enough to be the prime minister. talking about all these "changes" that he would make "kalau aku jadi pm". urgh.
i'm not going to say that they are idiots. that's too far and i am a very polite young lady. but moron is the best word to use i think. dah lah everytime aku turun kau pandang aku atas bawah mcm pervert. pastu sprouting nonsense and taking pride in doing so. lagi elok lah kau balik jaga anak bini kau. ni anak terbiar buat jahat merata rata kau sebok ngn politik kau. seriously morons.
and if that is not enough, i got messages. freaking messages to vote for certain party. pffft FREAKING MESSAGES!!
i know my responsibility. i am old enough to vote, I've registered and can't wait to vote. i know who deserve my vote. there is no need to influence me. I'm not gonna change my decision.
people say undi adalah rahsia so i am not going to tell you who i am going to vote for. but i am pro-government. haha.
my name is syahirah and i approve this messages.
one nation emcees pon dh buat lagu psl mengundi. x leh blah.
jgn lupa mengundi pada yang layak. jgn lupa kwajipan pada negara!
dah, bye!
Posted by Unknown at 6:51 PM