akhirnye, tibe gak mase yang aku paling paling paling nanti nantikan.
aku benci gile babas sama maptest.
im weak when it comes to map.
memang la history students supposed to be good at maps, hafal sume,
boleh x aku dikecualikan?? please please please?
kopansky ni....x pyh la nk buat maptest.
tgk movies je kan best??
(btw, ktorg bru tgk centurion aritu, memang ganas gile babas tahap ayah pin tercekik rokok punye. sedikit info: kepada sape yg penah tgk centurion, pompan yg ganas tu kan, pictes kn name tribe dorg, mkn org oh. in other word, kanibals!! dorg akan sembelih little girls like they do sheeps and cook them. gross aite?)
aku mlsnye nk study map..