Saturday, December 19, 2009

what could be the title of this post, i wonder.

as i go through my facebook,
my blog,
others' blogs,
there's one thing, no no, two things that came across my mind.

it is so funny how friends will seek you and remember you when they need help with something, or in pain, or sad;
and even funnier when they leave you out or forget about you when it is time for suka suka.
these two facts are so funny, i laugh my head off until tears came out like rain and my breath became short and i think if i laugh for another 2 minutes, I'll die of suffocation. *its not like that actually, its a metaphor*

and another thing i realized.
having to lose a best friend is painful than having to lose a boyfriend.
to lose a boyfriend, may it takes time, but u will get over it.
to lose a best friend in the other hand, takes a lifetime to get over.

i am frustrated till at some point, i think that there's no good in having best friends.
when they do something frustrating, u will get hurt like a thousand knife came through your back.

and you know what?
its fun when you have friends to share something with, and stick by your side through good times;
it is still fun when you have friends that cannot stick through sad times with you, but they still concern about you;
it is still fun when you have friends that remember you even when they are apart from you;
but it is NOT FUN AT ALL when you have friends that claimed to love you bla bla bla crap but leave you out in every suka suka times.

im a burden, i know.
i dont mind it, at all.
but still, some considerations needed.

i know that this post might make some people like
"oh, she is too emotional"
but here is the thing, have you ever seen me being emotional?
i have never ever jadi moody ke, tetibe nak marah ke, x penah rasenye.
i never have a diary to write to,
i can write this shit in a piece of paper, and then tore it apart, but thats it.
so, i write here so that it will never be deleted until the world of computers get infected by some viruses that delete all my posts.
so i will remember this all the time.

for those who might get terasa or whatever,
im not being emotional, im not mad, im not annoyed, im just frustrated.
and ill be normal as soon as i finish with this.
ill write "im out" at the end of this post,
and ill be syira again.
the cheerful one.

so, thats it.

oh oh,
aku dh ade cite series yg dh bape lame x download. muahahaha.
gile byk nk tgk kn,
research x start lg nih. haisyh.
literature pon belum di"review" lg.
byk sgt keje.
pastu genting lg,
perak lg,
good though, it will take my mind off of unnecessary things.

thats it.
till then,

im out. =D

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

result oh result.


esok result kuar...!!!!
cuak ke?

x cuak pon, cume nti mls nk kene dengar bebelan mak ngn abah membahan...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

new moon, im over the moon. :)

just watched new moon,
and it is FREAKIN AWESOME!!!

better than twilight, though byk dr buku x masok.
and its understandable, kalu nk msok sume dlm buku, maunye 8 jam cite tuh.
and sape x bace bukunye, susah nak faham kot,
so read the book and watch the damn movie, coz its sooo worth it!!

better than a christmas carol i just watched.
and and jacob's body,
and quil's and paul's and sam's..
ohmy, ohmy,
sepanjang movie x pki baju,
gile cuci mata kan.


*until u read "midnight sun" la kan,
and u will switched team, i promise u.
and and bile la midnight sun nk kuar??
lama dh den menunggu ni.

kudos to the director, and thank you abah kerana telah menabur tenaga jari untuk mendownload ntok saya.


Monday, November 23, 2009


its been a while.
during semester haritu bolehla buat alasan kunun bz x leh nk update,
bile dh cuti ni bru tau yang sebenonye mls nk menaip, padahal byk cite gak nk kasik tau.

arini nk ckp psl my goals in life la.
sejak kecik, dr tadika lg, cikgu slalu tanye,
"beso nti nk jadi apa?"
and then i answered jawapan pling koman,
"nurse" or "cikgu" or "polis?"
tp satu pon antara profession tersebut saya x minat.

bila dh meningkat dewasa, bru start nak ada goals dlm hidup supaya at least x ter-astray from the right path la kan.
maklumla, skang ni dh macam2 jenis org ade, mcm2 influence.

so, berbalik pada goals.
ni list goals saya, insyaAllah akan dicapai.
list ni saya buat dh lame, so ada yang dh tercapai la kn..

1. become a pilot (ni cita2 masa form 2 x silap. tgk langkawi punya mende ntah yg annual tu, yang ade aerobatik show tu kn, ade minah saleh sorg ni pilotnye, tros nk jadi pilot, tp x boleh dh, sebab x amek science)

2. nak masok university, then melanjutkan pelajaran ke at least degree level. (ni dh nk tercapai, lg 2 thun, insyaAllah..)

3. nak kawin (memandangkan lelaki byk yg x leh percaya, maybe x dapek kot. tp x taula, kalu berjodoh. haha)

4. nak jadi doctor (ni bru punye cite2. dengan lambakan medical-based series kn, cam greys anatomy, house, royal pains, tros rasa cam nk jadi doctor. tgkla camne abis study ni kot2 bleh buat medicine plak ke..)

5. nak bukak a bookstore. (ni cita2 dh bape lame dh ni. bookstore ni jual buku, tp cm library gak, cume x leh pinjam, leh baca je. ntok memastikan budak2 x merayau mcm org x dek masa depan.)

6. nak mini cooper/Volkswagen beetle satu. (nk yg lama punye, baru aku x nak)

7. to adopt an orangutan. (ni bru gak ah. aku ni agak la environmentalist, so nk adopt la satu org utan sebab mereka SANGAT cute).

8. nak beli rumah dlm cite full house. (ni cite2 yang agak x logik la kan, tp kalu dh kaya, sume boleh jd. haha)

9. nk ade title "dr." kt name. (x kesahla phd ke, m.d. ke, janji dr. kn sedap kalu nama aku camni: "Dr. Siti Nur Syahirah Abd Aziz". walaweyh, x boleh blah doh. haha)

10. nak menang nobel prize. (ni memng dr dulu punye cite2. nk menang nobel prize yg peace punye. dh ah dpt sejuta lg. kayo...kayo...)

11. nak buat skydiving, or paragliding, any type of sports yg require kite terbang la.

12. nak buat bungee jumping at least skali seumur hidop.

13. nak blaja boxing. (x tau nape, boxing mcm hot la.)

14. nak kuruskan badan. (on the way punye goals ni. tp x penahnye yg nak exercise. haha)

tu je kot buat mase ni. tp disebabkn otak yg sentiasa berputar, setiap hari ade goals bru.
cam arini, aku blom bgn lg bapaku dh call, cakap camni:
abah: "tido lg ek?"
aku: "mana ada" (tp suara mamai x bleh blah)
abah: "main game la ni"
aku: "mana ada bah, whats up?"
abah: "teka abah dh ade ape, awk memng nk sgt mende ni"
aku: "rapidshare" (gile mengharapkn rapidshare dh ade, byk dload yg terbantut nih)
abah: "bukan....awk nk sgt tgk ni"
aku: "NEW MOON??!!!"
abah: "muahahaha(gelak evil). a ah. dh ade nih. lg 3 min siap ah"
aku: "gile best!!!! cepat balik bah"
abah: "eh, ade lg satu, awk memng nk tgk lg satu ni"
aku: "x dek lain dh bah, tu je"
abah: "ok2, hint. korea"
aku: "NINJA ASSASSIN???!!!!!"
abah: "muahahaha (sekali lg gelak evil, siap bg aku denga sore rain"
aku pon dengan garangnye la, ABAH CEPAT BALIK! ORG NK TGK..........!!!!!

jap g balik la si botak keding tuh.
so goal aku rini nk tgk new moon ngn ninja assassin tuh!!
x yh g gsc. tp kalu best, apelah salahnye kn... haha

oh oh, america's next top model dh abis, nicole menang!! weehuuu!!!
survivor pon x tgk lg.
himym, oth, gg, house, greys, sume x dek.
pc abang adi cm bangkai, menci aku x leh nk dload.

dh la.

*sory pjg gila babas post kali ni, lepas ni insyaAllah 2 bulan x post ape2. haha

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

*exam mode*

exam mode ke?
bile member2 denga aku nk turn on aku nye exam mode, dorg musti ckp: i quote
"syira? exam mode? x dek maknenye.." end quote.

memng btol pon.
aku x akan turn on my exam mode till the last minute.
i know this is bad, u shouldnt study until the last minute, DO NOT FOLLOW ME.

tp ni memng cara aku study.
i admit i have this one advantage of memorizing things in a short time,
tp hafal cpt, cpt gak lupe balik.
so, x leh la nk study awal2. nti lupe sume.

and, continuous assessment marks dh keluar.
x dek fail pon, alhamdulillah.
x tahu la final nti. penin la mls gile nk study.
ade plak presentation leadership bodo tuh!!
mls tol la aku!
mls nk menghafal skrip, mls nk reka skrip, english dh la cm hampeh.
stress aku.

neway, people.
to those who are about to start your finals, and also to those who are already started the finals,
i wish u guys the very best of luck!!

i need a good luck too!!!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

just an update

this is just an update.
nothing interesting happened for the last few weeks.
just me and my ordinarily boring life.
oh oh, i broke up with someone,
boys words. im clueless.
and guess what?
im not even frustrated.
its kinda relief la..
and i got this major crush on someone.
and he..well, x kn aku dapek punye la.
and and oh, my favourite tv series dh start balik.
happy happy.
walaupon final dh nk menjengah,
aku tetap dengn series2 tersebut.
1. americas next top model cycle 13, petite model - GO NICOLE!!
2. survivor 19, samoa - russell is a jackass!!
3. gossip girl season 3 - yay for blair and chuck
4. house md season 6 - house has always been my crush. :)
5. one tree hill season 7 - mane sam??
6. 90210 season 2 - kakak naomi is a major bitch.
7. how i met ur mother season 5 - barney and robin...hmmmm
8. leverage season 2 - dh abis dh. nyampah
9. 10 things i hate about u season 1 - cool series, tp dh abis gak
10. one piece, naruto shipuuden seperti biase.
nila sebab sebab nye kenape aku dh lame x update this blog and how i spend my holidays and free times and late submission of assgnmnts and coming late to classes sebab mlm2 aku jd burung hantu. :)
*sy ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada abah yg sanggup meluangkan masa dan tenaga jari untuk mendownload ape2 cite yang saya mahu.
dan terima kasih juga diucapkan kepada abg din kampung ayam yg sudi memberi account rapidshare nye kepada abah yg membawa kepada kejayaan abah mendownload untuk saya.
saya puas hati dan sgt gembira. :)
jap jap, lupe nk bg tau, aku dh potong rambot.
like super short tp cute like always. haha
nanti sy uploadkan gambar gambarnya ya..
(and this stupid blog x leh nk enter. bace jela cam esei ek)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

no title.

its been.....what? 4 days since we celebrated raya?
yeah, 4 days.
4 freaking days.
hows raya to me?
its the same like any other days, except that there are people coming to my house, mak masak rendang yg sgt bnyk, dpatla duit raya singgit, dua..that's it. nothing more.
i fill my time mostly infront of computer. no one to visit since im too old to go "beraya" and since we celebrated raya in kl this year with abah's family (which is small, like, really small) so, there are no "makcik" or "pakcik" that we can visit. hmmph. x syok la raya kt kl....

oh, except for the second day of raya. weehuuu..
syok gila. balik peghok. (perak)
mandi sungai, mkn manggis, which is a big yay to me and my siblings because we do not experience that "kampung" environment since like, ever.
mandi sungai paling syok. i became the victim of my uncle and amat's mud war. the mud isn't gross, btw.

and today, we went to catch a movie at alamanda. JINNOTI.
the movie is a BIG PIECE OF CRAP!!!
i wonder how the director got that idea.
its disturbing.
but i still went to watch that crap and throw away my money, why?
because, my dear friends, adik-adikku nak sgt tgk cite tu and we are like the three musketeers,
"all for one and one for all."
even my siblings pon menyesal.
ingtkn best. melayu memng suka buat cite pelik2.
and fara fauzana??
when i read the poster, i thought, oh maybe pompan ni just supporting actress kot, ghupe-ghupenye, main character of the movie.
i cant bear to watch.
lagila weyh, jd hero. and in one scene of the movie, fara said "sy suka la mata awk, cantik".
cantik kebendenya weyh? merah je mcm hero cite tamil yang gemok tuh.
i know, the movie is trying to deliver a good message that whatever we do, intention is important, but then, x leh ke buat cite yang masok akal sket?

dengan skrip yang ntah pape, pelakon yang pelik2, it is supposed to be a comedy, but i think the only time i laugh (not the my-heart-is-going-to-burst-out laugh) is when nabil appeared in the movie.
he is such a savior. for his, what, 3 minutes scene, berbaloi 3 ringgit duit aku.
the rest of the scenes make me want to throw something at the screen and storm out.
again, because of the sibling-hood that i have, i stayed for the whole 1 and a half hour. the one and a half freaking hour!!!!

my assgnmnts x berusik pon.
mls btol la nk buat.
sedang mendownload house season 6. yayh!!!
sudah start tgk gossip girl season3, 90210 season 2, america's next top model cycle 13. coming soon: how i met ur mother season5 and one tree hill season 7. cant wait!!!

bye bye for now.

*and please please please jgn tgk cite jinnoti tu kalu korg x nak rase ditipu. haha.

Friday, September 18, 2009

happy eidul fitri!!!

lupe nk wish,
kepada yen ngn wani, bday korg on hari raya la kn?
so, Happy Birthday!!

and people,
:) :)

iftar jama'ee.

iftar jama'ee ke?
bape org je dtg.
best. dh lame x jumpe bebudak nih.
except for athirah la kn, pusing2 uia, musti jumpe je minah tu.
malas la tapi nk upload gambar.
nti bile dh upload video mamat2 tu karaoke,
aku bg tau.

Monday, September 14, 2009


tons to say,
but too lazy to write.

so, the summary:
3rd sept - ade class presentation, a well done job, i would say.
5th sept- went to masjid jamek and then klcc to break fast, so damn tired.
6th sept - class kereta, bo~~~~~~ring!! nk mampos
7th sept - ke time square, dpt kasot satu, yay!! and watched final destination (if covering my eyes is called watching la kan) tp berbuka while standing at kfc kl sentral.
8th sept - class ethics cm biase.
9th sept - class soca, science of hadith and aqidah cm biase.
10th sept - no class at all!!! penat ku bangun awal.. and later that day, i went home for hari raya holidays!!

11th sept until now - bermalas-malasan di rumah. oh, kene mengecat la ini malam. mls tol.

bye la. :)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

tika si berumur 20.!

atikah oh atikah, dh tua kamu ya. udah berumur 20.


smlm tika punye ari jadi!! yay!!

so, on rabu, me and anim went to jusco, ntok carik kek. and tepong. nk buat suprise la tuh kn.
tu yang tikah kirim beli kertas for the bintang-bintang tu.

disebabkn kami ni student yang sangat miskin, x le beli kek mahal. ingat nak beli secret recipe, tp agak mahal dan kek tu kn beso, nti x abis plak kn.
so kami pon beli jela kek jusco...

pegi tengok2, aku pon cakap ngn anim, “eh2, cantik ah kek ni, byk kacang”.

So kitorg pon beli la kek yang cantik byk kacang tu.

dh beli2 barang sume, kitorg pon balik and letak la kek tu kat kiosk..

lupe beli tepung, beli kt café dengan harga rm2. x kesahla, janji bermandi tepong mlm ni.

so, lepas tu, kul 11.30, anim ngn fia pon turun ah ke kiosk ntok amek kek n setup kn segale-galenye kt court..

x nk buat kt bilik, besepah nti sape yg nk kemas? Anim jugak.. haha

pastu, kul 11.50 aku ngn tikah pon turun, tika dh tau pon mase tu, tp die x tau ade perang tepong. Jadinye kami pon turun la.

pastu nyanyi2, suap suap kek, ktorg pon start ah baling tepong. Best sial.

tp video x dak, sebab x smpat nk pegang camera pon.

kene run for ur life tu..


pastu kami pon berlari-lari anak balik ke bilik, dan the crime scene ditinggalkan begitu saje, and while im writing this, still got all the tepong-tepong from last night.
pastu mule la penderitaan. nk kuarkan tepung tepung. dlm telinga ade, dlm idong celahan rambut, masok dlm baju, fuh.
and and rambutku!!! habis rambut i, kasaq teros jadinye. :(

so skang ni tinggal aku jela. Aku la yang paling kecik, yang paling muda. Tgk tu rahman, nk soh jage bini ko, tgk aku nye bilik sudah, bini ko yang jage aku slalu. haha

And below are the pictures and there's a video, which i cannot post due to the extremely slow internet i got here at my house, *oh abah, please upgrade the damn internet!!*, but i uploaded it on youtube, yeah, youtube. feel free to watch it, if you have the time la kn.. and kalu ternampak ape2 yang rasenye cam seksi, please ignorekan yeah. coz that's how we dressed dlm bilik. ;)

Thanks for reading!!!


-the cake-

-sebelom perang-

-suap meyuap merapatkan silaturrahim-

-yeah, perang bermula. bday girl dan tepong di tgn-

-anim- (ko tgk man, awek ko dok camne? x senonoh) haha

-kami dan tepong; from left, fia, anim, aku, tika-


-tikah and 3 quarter of the cake-

-baring baring-

-dlm bilik, sblom mandi-

Saturday, August 8, 2009

bintang bintang dan bilikku.

assalamualaikum! (try imagine im greeting u macam sheila rusly dlm cite ape ntah tu).

its been a while, since ive been busy with my study. assgmnts, presentations, ni nk midterm lg..
hmmph. (mengeluh kepenatan).

so, this is my new post.
tjoknye: seperti diatas.

cerita bermula begini;
semenjak dua menjak ni, atikah seringkali menunjukkan ke-feminin-an die.
aku pon x phm pasai apa dia jd camtuh.
aritu die bwk satu botol bintang2 kertas, ala, yg slalu pompan buat, yg comel2 tuh..
tp botol tu x penuh lg.

so, since anim and i were planning to go to jusco, (sebabnye akan dinyatakan di next post),
tikah kirim la beli kertas ntok buat bintang bintang tersebut.
jadinya, mlm tu, kitorg pon buat le bintang tu reramai...
ade plak kak anis join 2 kaki.

memng best ah kn. aku la yg paling hebat buat menatang tuh. haha.

oh, ade gambar, lihat lihat di bawah....

-bintang bintang dlm dan diluar botol.-

-bintang lagi, and oh, tu kaki ngn bontot anim-

-tikah buat-

-tikah ngn kak anis-

-tu langsir ngn kettle anim-


-kaki anim, lutut sofia, dan bintang-

-bintang dan sofia-

and and, x abis lagi.
sementara tgh buat mendatang ituh, mummy ku call, so, i went to answer the phone at my *compartment.
(*let me explain, bilik bilik di hostel uia dibahagikan dengan 4 compartment, kire cm partition gak ah, for privacy. and i think mahalah lain, lain kot bilik die.)

back to the story, memandangkan aku g jawab call, camera aku (namenye lily) telah dibiarkan berseorangan. jadinye, si tangan gatal, sofia telah mengambil camera tersebut dan telah mengambil gambar2 compartment ku yg sgt sgt bersepah. kan dh kate, aku pemalas..
dan untuk bukti, let me present to u, for one time only, the premier of COMPARTMENT SYIRA YANG SANGAT BERSEPAHHHHH.....!!!!

-kipas yg dh sebulan x basoh, anim ingtkn aku nanti!!-

-magnet tu aku dpt sebab beli happy meal aritu. cute kn?-

-ni dlm laundry bag aku, sikit je baru ek baju bajunye.-

-meja study ku-

-pc aku yg dibiarkan terbuka. boleh bernafas. haha. *fyi, aku x dek laptop coz aku dh puas ati ngn pc aku yg hebat ni-

-baju baru angkat-

-book shelves-


itulah compartment aku. ade byk lg gambar, tp x leh ah, sebab ad panties aku sume. muahaha.
tp jgn ingt yg compartment aku tu sentiase camtu, slalunye bersih je...time ni je besepah sikit...
tu jela.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

ditag si hanim.

nama-nama timangan anda :
syira, along, syir, syahirah, hot, comel nak mapos.

anda seorang yg :
sensitif yang teramat, relax, x kesah sgt.

insan teristimewa :
family and kawan.

lagu kesukaan :
currently: robert patttinson, ill be your lover too.

makanan kesukaan :
pengat pisang bonda. eceh.

warna kesukaan :

sikap yg buat anda stress :
ntah. jrg stress,

kali terakhir anda menangis :
ari senin kot. abah marah. :(

tagged ni wajib kat :

sukati kamu orgla.
mende ni x wajib la ngoi.

Friday, July 17, 2009

first week of new semester.

so, its been a week since re-admission to my beloved university.
nothing much happened.

oh, i got great roomates, which is a big yay!
but but on the down side, tingkat 4 woah bilikku.
everyday, we have to climb 60 stairs.
60! but looking on the bright side, its a good exercise regime,
except for hanim and sofia, dh la kurus melidi, lg la kering kontang nanti.

one thing, i got to meet my friends who i have not meet for over a year.
and it is good to be a senior. haha
juniors are all over the campus with the taaruf bag, so cute. (btw, taaruf is orientation)
and we have a good laugh looking at the juniors, with the matric card, dress code and all. so funny.

and for the past few days, we (me and my roomates) have nothing for desert except rambutan.
we eat rambutan until we got stomach-ache. haha

and as for the lectures and the lecturers, alhamdulillah..
some lecturers are..u know, like 50-50.
there is a new lecturer for intro to sociology, a new, brand new lecturer.
he just became a lecturer and on last monday was his first time teaching.
and im not so fond of this guy.
he acted like he never was a student before.
and a former uia student at that.
maybe he is just enjoying his power he just possesed.
acting all strict and garang garang.
nyampah aku.

and its kind of a bummer that ptptn x masok lg.
aku dh ah tgh broke.
cpt la masok ptptn... geram aku.

and i arranged my schedule per-fect-ly!!
classes on thursdays will finish at 11.30 am, no classes on fridays, and classes on mondays begins only at 12pm.
cool huh??!!
so much free times, and i promise to use them wisely (as if).

and and i havent major in anything yet.
penin la aku.
ntah nak amek history ke, political science ke.
mls tol nk fikir. hmmph.
next sem jela fikir.



tag from si hanim. old are you?
im 19, going 20, thank you.

2. are you single?
single and ready to mingle lah. haha

3. at what age do you think you'll get married?
i think.. let me think, i will not get married kot. haha. but if i were to get married, maybe by the age of 24.

4. do you think you'll marry the person you are with now?
ngn sapa? invinsible man? sush nk kawin ngn die lah..

5. if not, who do you want to marry?
nk robert pattinson boleh? dpt rupert grint pon jadi la kan..;p

6. who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
x tahu aku.

7. do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
traditional ntok org kampung, nk beach wedding ntok friends. tp tgkla kalu laki aku tu datok kn.

8. where do you plan to go on honeymoon?

9. how many guests do you think you'll invite?
mungkin kalu aku kawin ngn artis, beribu-ribu la kot. kalu kawin ngn org biase, ratus2 aje..

10. will that include your exes?
sile la dtg ye my exes.

11. how many layers of cake do you want?
kalu anim ekot umo, kalu aku ekot suke la. haha

12. when do you want to get married, morning or evening?
evening in paris.

13. name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding..
lagu ayam boleh? haha.

14. ur wedding colour theme?
black and white. ala ala my chemical romance gitu.

15. do you prefer fine dining or just normal?
everything in my wedding should be a fine thing.

16. champagne or red wine?
ingt nk bg sky juice je, tp x adil buat pengunjung. bg la sirap bujang.. haha

17. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
days and days and days after the wedding. jd kawan dulu. tunggu i ready, okeyh.

18. money or household items?
money money money! aku mate duitan..muahahahaha

19. how many kids would you like to have?
2, 3 kucing berlari sudah.. haha

20. will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
nk bikin porn kah? haha. musti lah weyh. balik nk tunjuk kt hanim, aku nye honeymoon lg romantik. haha

21. ur dream present fr0m ur future husband
oh, ni favourite soalan nih. aku nk:
1. mini cooper 1, yg lame punye, modified.
2. x nk ah banglo kn, aku nk mansion satu.
3. kalu laki aku byrkn ptptn aku leh kire present x?
byk lagi, nti jela aku borak ngn bkl laki ku yg x tahu entah dimana sekarang. haha

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

team edward??

so, ive read "midnight sun, edward's story.", the one after breaking dawn by stephenie meyer.
all 4 previous books are based on bella's point of view and a little bit on jacob's.

but this book is based on edward's point of view.
and it is a-ma-zing.
and weird because how much a book can change your view.

when i was reading all 4 previous books, eh, no no, starting new moon, im on jacob's team.
now, after i read midnight sun, im definitely on edward's team.
bak kate org melayu, aku ni kire cm lalang la. haha

this latest book tells many thoughts of people in the story. (as u know, edward can read minds).
and, its quite a shock, u know, after knowing what jessica (bella's friend in school) thought about her, and what mike (the one who have crush on bella) thinks.

but then, ive read only the partial draft.
so, its not complete and it left me hanging.
waiting for the real book to come out.
cant wait!!

love u edward cullen and robert pattinson!!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

buat brownies.

ni dh lame terjadi, tp saje je nk post.

aritu, kunun2 nk blaja buat brownies la kn, bru first time.
g la beli cooking chocolate sume, satgi blik umah, rupenye cooking chocolate itu adalah white chocolate!! haha. dh ad tanda2 nk jahanam brownies tu, tp di-ignore-kan.

so teros je la buat brownies pki white chocolate tu.
memng excited nk mampos. dh mix sume sume,
msok la dlm oven. die (recipe) soh preheat oven to 180'c, so aku pon buat la.
pastu masokkan dlm oven, bakar la selama 30 min (ikut kate en.recipe).

satgi, bru 15 min dh bau semacam.
asap kuar merata-rata cam rumah tu kene sembur asap nyamok (yg dorg buat monthly tu).
check2 tgk dh hanguih!!!

lawak gile.
nk tunjuk gamba pon x selera.
tp sebenanye atas je yg hangus..
makku buang la yg hangus tuh, mkn yg elok.
bleh blah gak ah rasenye.
bodo gile.
last2 x dek sape mkn.
adik-adikku kate bracun. (bangang punye adik2).
tp the next day, aku tgk, dh abis.
tanye2, rupenye mlm itu mak ngn abah mkn bg abis.
kembang aku. bpku kate sedap.
sonok gak.
hangus2 pon abis gak.

tp memng lawak gile ah.
yg asap tu yg x bleh blah.
tp kejadian ini tidak akan mematahkn semangat aku.
lepas ni buat lg.

to nurin:
soryla aku x leh nk bwk brownies tu kt ko. segan ah.
nti ku buatkn kek batik ngn tempe makku itu ya??

current selera: pengat pisang mak. adoi...
mak....!!! cepatla buat...!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

bday abahas!

arini birthday abah!!
dh 45 tahun dh pak ajis kn??
dh tua dh pak ajis oi...

ingtkn nk suprise, kul 5 camtu g secret recipe bli kek, kunun2 x balik keje lg org tua tuh.
rupenye dr semalam lg die dh tahu, family kitorg memng x leh nk berahsia.
ngokngek tol.

to abah, happy 45th birthday!!!
we love u!!

(kek tu tulis abah ngn mak coz next week mak pulak n kitorg kn kecik lg, x dek duit nk beli lg satu. haha)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

twilight saga continues...

weyh weyh weyh,,,

twilight saga ad number 5 punye buku oh.
and i already have the draft!!!

nak bace mlm ni jugak!!!!

gile excited la kn..

midnight sun, wait for meeeee................!!!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


friends, what for?
whats the use?

-i think mostly to share problems.
-to stay connected forever

well, thats what I have been doing. Constantly calling, messaging..
my friends? not so much i think.

they have myspace, yourspace or whatever space that they have, but do they really use it?
ive never been angry to my friends. let alone my best friend!!!
but i really am feeling angry, frustrated, annoyed and want-to-punch-that-friend's-face.

you, who the hell do u think u are?
think i cant live if u aren’t my friend??
u never done anything good for me, but i still considered u one of my best friends.
after what we've been through together, this is how u treat me??
really, i don’t even like u anymore.
i don’t want to keep u for myself, ok? but then, every plans, every vacations, u planned with the other friends, have u told me??
no, i don’t think so.
instead, i have to hear all "your great plans" from someone else?
and that someone is not even your best friend!! until recently, yeah??

for the specific ms. my best friend, i don’t considered u one of my best friend anymore.
i don’t care.
ive loved u, but u never did reply the love.
and really, this is not a lesbian talk.
i really loved u, my former best friend.
but u showed me you are not worth it.
i never feel this upset before.
i dont even care if my boyfriend is cheating on me.
but u, u really........aaarrrrggghhh!!!!
im so mad i cant even think a word.

and, and,
ure still my friend.
that’s it.


Monday, June 15, 2009

hanim hanim!!

hanim, i hope ure reading this.

weyh, x mengapela psl plan g pd tuh.
aku g ahd ni ah..
ko pon x blik lg kn?
so nevermind la..
lainkali sahaje..

(ni namenye dh desperate sgt x dek kedit, tp still mls nk topup. haha. mls nk melayan certain someone. bodo nye certain someone.)

ok hanim, bye. :)

Friday, June 12, 2009

twilight fever.

twilight survey.

Team Edward or Jacob?

Vampire or Werewolf?

Live forever with the one you love even though its not safe for them, or leave them for the better?

Favorite Twilight character?
jacob black, for sure. and renesmee.

Least favorite Twilight character?

Favorite couple?
-jacob and renesmee. and quil and claire. ;)

Least favorite couple?
-james and victoria

Would you rather have super strength, super speed, or read minds?
-read minds.

Who do you like better? Female Twilight characters, or male?
-male la.

Favorite book in the series?
-breaking dawn.

Least favorite book in the series?

Do you like the romance or the action better?

Favorite line or passage from the books?
- 'Edward leaned his head against the same shoulder he'd placed Renesmee. "goodbye, Jacob, my brother......myson".' (breaking dawn, chapter 37)

Are you looking forward to the movie?/What do you think of the movie?
-yes, for sure. the movie can be longer, i think as it did not covers every moments in the book. but i dont care, i love it!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

twilight, new moon, eclipse, breaking dawn = best gile!!



*saje je nk jerit.
aku suke nk mampos mamat ni. ketawa die, fuh mengancam siot. haha.
bile bace sume buku twilight (twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn), aku mesti menggambrkn muke die (as edward cullen) of course. tp aku x suke edward cullen, aku suke jacob black!!
jacob, im rooting for u eventhough bella and edward got married and have a daughter in the end. and their daughter is sickly weird (given the fact that she is half vampire, half human).

p/s: for those who havent read all the twilight books yet, and read my post, im sorry if ive spilled the ending. the ending is ridiculously AMAZING!!
good job stephenie meyer!!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

well, bday amat ni sebenanye ari jumaat aritu, so skang dh belated birthday la kn.

on the day (the birthday), ktorg sume "ter"lupe nk wish. tp die kate x pe la, org dh beso..
so ktorg diam jela.

arini ktorg satu family g wedding kwn abah ni. kt precint 9. boleh blah ah mkanan die.
yg x boleh blah, penyanyi die. sakit je perot aku denga. lantak la kn.

so, after the wedding, kami pegi bangi, nk crik kolej adikku supaya nti bile reg day x ah sesat ke ape.

pastu on the way balik, amat tetibe je ckp.

"aritu arijadi amat x dek sape pon ingat..yela kn, amat ni kn sape..." (poyo je lbey)
nk muntah pon ade..
sebab mase tu die nmpk secret recipe, so kunun nk menagih kasih ah nk soh mak blikn kek ntok die.
but then, mymum x withdraw duit lg,
so mydad ah blikan..
poyo je amat.

pastu mydad pon kate,
"ok2, jom g alamnda."

n i was like, oh no...
aku dh ah pki heels, mau tetonggeng jln kt alamnda tu.
tp mydad kate pegi kejap je, so aku n mysis ok jela.
smpi2 je, mymum ckp.
"bah, nk msok carrefour jap la. bli kicap."

bli kejap je mende, siap bli telur la, maggi la, milo la..
cm shopping plak. hmm
kaki dh start sakit.
so, aku soh dorg bli cpt2.
then g secret recipe. dlm secret recipe plak dorg gado nk bli ape plak.. adoi..
naseb baik ade kerusi.
boleh gak duduk2..
and at last, kitorg pon bli lah chocolate indulgence..
syok gile.

memg best ah.
amat kn anak manje.. poyo je.
so, kitorg blik, kitorg pon mkn la kek tu.
kenyang lg ni. haha.



kek amt. tertulis: "happy birthday kut kut."

amt senyum

kunun manje la tu. padahl bercakar je. haha

well, anyway, happy birthday amat!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

* to whom it may concern,

aku dh x follow reaper tau!
nti naik sem aku bg software ntok dload, korg dload sendiri kt cafe ke, tv room ke, ye ye ye??
cite die dh makin lame makin nyampah plak.

n to nurin, one tree hill sdey nk mampos!! ko dh tgk ending die? nangis aku!

new series, LEVERAGE.
cite ni best oh! memang lyn punye,

dh 3 season dh, best gak ah. lwk2 gado..

dr penerangan diatas, kpd sesiape yg curious ape yg aku buat cuti 3 bln ni, ni le jwpnnye.
download, download, download!!

n n survivor JT menang! (bkn justin timberlake kekasih gelapku).


mls dh, bye! :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


well, i just watched americas next top model final episode,
and im excited.

allison is in the final two!
so cute!

but then, teyona won. but its ok, since teyona is a great model.

survivor ep 13.

yes, the "dragon slayer' finally been slayed.
im just so happy
dont worry coach, u can still go back and coaching some more.
and that poem..aaahhh
its so funny
whatever, u just voted out, and buhbye.

and tomorrow, insyaallah ill get to see the final episode of survivor.
and fingers crossed, JT is gonna win!!
go JT!!


and thats it.


Friday, May 15, 2009

survivor and antm fever.

after a long long long period of downloading because my wyzo did not shows it skills, finally, survivor ep11 and 12 and america's next top model ep 11 and 12 are finished.

and i would like to do a little reviews on the episodes i just watched.

1. survivor episode 11.
coach coach coach, a sick bastard.
why would u ever signed up for this game?
u should just stay where u are, coaching soccer.
from the beginning, im not very fond of coach. he is annoying.
as annoying as randy (from last season), not as annoying as the jerk called coach.
i know sierra is not a very nice girl, but coach and debbie (the idiot partner), u guys just have to shut up!
save all your speaks inside, sometime, the less, the better.
u annoyed sierra, who is one of the juries now and u guys MIGHT be one of the final two, u guys just lost ur 1 million vote.

im rooting for u, J.T.

2. survivor episode 12
haha, well thats a predicted move.
debbie, u just soo fake.
this is survivor, and u aspect JT and Stephen to believe u after ur "partnership" with coach?
no, girl. and u get urself voted out.
if u just shut up, u might be still in the game, but i know, u are a principle, shutting up will not suites u, so, goodbye.
and coach, "the dragon slayer" kononnye. ko slay sape je weyh? brendan?
all those betol-ke experiences are not showing at all in this entire game.
coach is like "oh, look at me, im kidnapped by kanibals at amazon" and "im coaching soccer" and everyone might think, well, here's a damn strong and physically trained survivor, but eekk.. those people are wrong.
doing meditation konon, what the hell is that pose. u just stretching out and breathing. thats not meditating, thats a show off.
i dont like u. u just dont deserve the 1 million.
u said it urself "im not playing for the million bucks, im playing for my integrity, and honour and bla bla bla (crap)! "
well, u can have ur crap and please show it somewhere else, this is a game, and for certain someone, the million dollars is worth a lifetime.

and JT, i hope u can slay the "dragon slayer".

3. americas next top model episode 11.
poor fo, i love her, but her shortness is a barrier to her carrier as a model.
and u know, its america, and all the models are super skinny and tall..
and fo just dont fit in.
as tyra said, kate moss is 5ft 7, but she can rock her short body into an incredible model, and fo just cant do it.
i always love u fo!
and what the hell is celia doing during her photoshoot? she squeezed a fat man's breast
me and my sister was like, euww..ape yg ko buat tu?!
and the fat man got free massages.
even nigel said that the fat man was thinking "oh, im being paid for this.."
its so funny.

4. americas next top model episode 12.
celia was ready to go home. i can see her already predicted it.
shes just waayy passed the age for starting out as a model.
shes 25 and other models are high schooler.
so, u can see the difference. but i think she'll be great in fashion industry. i mean look at her style week after week.
even paulina wants celia to style her.
i applaud u, celia, but i think ur age is not appropriate.
im rooting for allison!!
just look at her photo as a bird! so great and shes got the best picture.. hoo-ray!!
and they learned samba in two days and teyona and allison's dance moves are freakin funny.

what ull find below is some of allison's photos..I LOVE THEM.

just look at those big eyes!!

its getting really late and ill post another review on what ive watched so maybe u guys can get interested.
and as what jay always said, "THATS A WRAP!"

bye. :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

interview day. :)

today, its the open interviews for Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.
about 600 vacancies up for grab (by grab, i didnt mean u can just grab it, cause its like 8 thousand people were there this morning).

the vacancies are divided into three;
for those who have degrees or higher, and
for those who have stpm and diplomas, and
for those who have spm.

and i went there why?
(u might ask cause im still studying, why would i, u know, getting cooked under the hot sun just to get a chance of interview while my work era does not begin until 3 years ahead..)
well, here's the reason. because of a great sister i am, i was there to accompany my sister for the interview.
and my cousin was there too.. so, family first.

and now i've really realised of just how many "penanam-anggur" in malaysia.
even degree's holder.
and people of KPM arent very nice, u know.
they just yell and yell at us.
so sad looking at the "bijak-pandai" getting yelled at by someone who does not even have great results in their SPM.
not to be arrogant or anything, but a person deserved to be treated with respect.
not "ko ni x layak, kenape dtg sini" or "dh, balik balik, x layak". kuang asam tol.

and i went home earlier than the others because of my "puteri lilin-ness".
sadly, im too damn angry and preoccupied with other things and cant get any pictures.
but, i can tell u this, we went there 8.15 in the morning, and the lines of the "calon pekerja" was covering the entire school because the interview was held at this school and its KPM and u know.
and my cousin arrived at my house at 7 pm, so u may visualize how many people went for the interview.

i've been babling and did not notice what time is it already, so adios. :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

well, its weekend, and i like, God, soo bored, but whatever.

rumahku syurgaku. mls nk kuar punye psl.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

new hobby

ya, today i think i got a new hobbyyy..
its ping pong (or in english table tennis).
quite fun, if u know how to play it
im a beginner, so, not really good at it.
but its really fun.

me, mysis, mybro and mydad (well of course, he's the coach) went to precint 9's multipurpose hall and rent a table for two hours.
and we played for the whole two hours. aha. well, not we, only mydad and mybro kind of like really into the game, while my sis and i were laughing all the time. funny.

because we really buzy playing the game (which we aren't, the proof, we brought camera!)
i only got to snap two pictures..

and i think ping pong is really good for your energy
i played for like, what?, five minutes, and im sweating like hell.
its good to maintain ur figure also, well that is if u got a hot body like mine. kidding.

enough said, here are the proof of us kunun-kununye playing like experts. :)

haha, im wearing liverpool shirt, go liverpool, yay!.

thats all. daa. :)

Friday, May 8, 2009

survey 1

soo, i was browsing and found this survey. and in future, there will be a lot more surveys.

the title is "what would u do if"

1. Stranded in a forest alone
- im gonna pretend that im dead and lay still until im really dead or someone's come and save me.

2. Sensed someone stalking you
- hire a bodyguard. haha. as if.

3. You suddenly developed superhuman strength
- join x men or fantastic four la, ape lg.. haha

4. You saw a dead cat
-sprint 100 metres. im scared of carcasses

5.You saw a dead human

6.Someone anonymously send a love note
-haha. firstly, i would blush, and crazily, start asking.

7.You become blind
-keep my faith strong and go through life normally

8. Your car breaks down beside a graveyard
- again, pretend im dead and close my eyes until abah datang.

9. Your bestfriend calls you at 4am
- firstly, tanye asal weyh? then lyn je la..

10. Someone kept staring at you
-stare at him/her back.

11. Someone ate your lunch
- uuuhhh.. u dont wanna mess with me.

12. You're at a stranger's funeral
- what am i doing at a stranger's funeral? sedara sendiri pon aku x nk g.

13. A horse came chasing after you
- run or climb the nearest tree.

anyway, this survey is just to fill out my boring time. haha

Thursday, May 7, 2009


mymum get mad at us for no good reason today.
maybe coz kitorg mls nk anta amat g skola kot.
maaakkk...jgn marah...
tkot siot.
uhuk uhuk. :(

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

td kitorg g bli camera bru untuk aku for the great results i got.
excited doh. :)
camera sony kaler pink yo!!
haha, la.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

well, today i just came back from pantai timur yo.

mydad ade sukan interzone kt sane, so, dh alang2 nk g tu, ktorg pon satu family pegi becuti..
syok oh.
kitorg ade lbih kurang 4 hari kt sane, n abahku nye event sehari je, so 3 hari ah kitorg berjalan.'
abah main pingpong on saturday. sadly, kalah. haha. abah LOSER! (sory abah)

so, on 29th of april, at 11 pm, family ku and 11 lg kereta gerak ke terengganu.
our destination = kuala terengganu
JAOH NAK MAPOH!! now i really feel kesian ngn bebudak pantai timur yg kene travel sejaoh itu.
penat+ngantok+ntah ape2 punye feeling lg la kn.
gile jln kt situ gelap n kampung.
one thing that crossed my mind throughout the journey; "kalu nk tekencing, camne la ni?"
susah hati doh.
mane ade R&R, gas station pon berbatu bru jumpe, itupun yg dh nk roboh punye..

on that night, coincedently, ade match soccer between M.U ngn arsenal.
n disebabkn kitorg konvoi ngn member2 abah yg mude2 (n ade yg ensem),
kitorg pon berhentila kt mane ntah kol 2 lbey semate2 nk tgk bola.
aku x sokong either team, so pegi membongkang ah dlm kete.

kitorg sampai dlm kul 8 camtu kt kuala tengganu.
and mydad pon g register, then kitorg g check in hotel.
pastu, kitorg pon tidola..
syok oh tido.
sebab dh penat sgt.
mlm tu kitorg g mkn kt batu burok.
ade satu kedai ni, gile bodoh waitress die, aku mintak lain, lain yg dia bagi.
maybe x phm bm kl kitorg kot..

pastu, kitorg g tgk match netball antara team hq (team abah) ngn team sabah.
team abah menang. gile terer player netball. sume pon dh tua2. ade yg dh pangkat nenek pon.
tp diorg main...fuh! klh aku yg mude ni.

n then hari jumaat..
ari jumaat kn hari pekerja, and then memng cuti kn kt sane, so kitorg pon pegila ronda2..
lps bekfes, kitorg g tgk match volleyball jap, pastu kul 12 blik hotel. semayang jumaat kn.
abah ngn amat g smaye, kitorg tido kot...
pastu abah blik smaye po tido..
nk dkt kul 5 bru bgn.
bgn2, lapa.
so kitorg g ah crik goreng pisang.
pastu dh kenyang sket, g ah pantai..
lepak tepi pantai main layang2..
best gile.
nk dkt maghrib tu kitorg blik ah.
pastu g dinner, then blik hotel.
best oh.

the next day, (saturday) abah ade match ngn team mane ntah.
menang. fisrt match je yg menang. abah main 2 match je. lg satu klh.
haha. lawak gile.
pastu dh abis sume, g ah umah kwn abah kt pasir mas, kelantan..
esoknye, kitorg pon pulang ke rumah dlm kol 10 camtu gerak.
smpi putrajaya, dlm kol 11 camtu..

overall, its a fun holiday..
hehe. :)

gambar sket je ek, mls nk upload. heee~~~

amat ditanam kakinya

amat main lyg2.

aku act kunun comel

kakak ngn lyg2..






kitorg minus syida


aku haha.


jaoh tu

uncle ni pon masok. haha


yeap, kami weirdos.

abah tgk ping pong.

thats all. bye for today. :)